Thanks for being here. Please scroll down thru this and About Me page which lists all my books, and Newsletter page where you can sign up and receive a free book. Then keep scrolling down to see an offer. Buy Growing a Garden Growing a Life on Amazon, come back on website, all the way down to Step 2, click Get Bonues Button,enter first name, email, your order number, Click Submit and you'll get a free bonus from me. See who I am, what I do and what's coming next. My book A Life of Love Expressed with Kuleana is about how a Hawaiian word kuleana kept showing up in my life, what it meant and how it still impacts my life. It won a Global Book Award as a Finalist.

In July 2023 I did a 2nd Edition to update a book I had originally published in 2021, It is A Life of Love Expressed with Kuleana.

Right now I'm working on a brand new book of Poetry about how flowers and trees speak to us. Do you "hear" trees and flowers? Stay tuned for more on this soon.

About Me

Writing is one of the main ways I share my love of life, love of nature and love of just seeing beauty and love even where it might not seem possible.

Below Are Non-Fiction Books I've Written

A Life of Love Poetry & Pose of (Formerly) Quiet Woman Vol 1
A Life of Love Expressed with Kuleana
Poetry & Prose of a (Formerly) Quiet Woman Vol 2,
2nd Edition

Growing a Garden Growing a Life

Growing a Voice to Enhance Both

Poems on the Beauty of Hawaii & Georgia
Poetry Travels the World Book 1
Change It's a Constant & That Can Be a Good Thing
Poetry Travels the World Book 2
Travel Your Own Inner Journeys Thru the Heart, Mind & Soul
Poetry Travels the World Book 3
Trees & Flowers Speak How They Help You (Coming soon)
Poetry Travels the World Book 4

Below Are Fiction Books I've Written

A Flower At a Time

Open Arms Open Hearts

Love After the Holidays

These titles are on Amazon.

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